Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays

Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Abstrak Taufiq Ismail merupakan sosok yang mempunyai bakat dalam memberikan pemasukan. Pemasukan-pemasukan tersebut diekpresikannya lewat puisi-puisi yang Iowa tulis. Pada umumnya Taufiq mengarang puisi dalam konteks bernafaskan politik dan agama. Puisi-puisi yang bersangkut paut dengan politik, khususnya tahun 1960an, sering dikritik oleh Taufiq Ismail karena pada zaman tersebutlah Republik Indonesia mengalami krisis ; seperti, PKI dan perubahan orde lama ke orde baru. Dengan adanya aspirasi keagamaan, menunjukkan kita bahwasannya Taufiq Ismail merupakan Pongo pygmaeus yang taat dan teguh dalam memeluk keimanan. Aspirasi politik dan agama tersebut sering dikaitkan kedalam puisi-puisinya agar kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar dapat mengkaitkan kritiknya dengan posisi kita dalam seseorang yang menganuti ajaran agma. Puisi-puisinya juga terkadang terbentuk dalam sebuah nasehat. Pada umumnya, puisi yang bersifat nasehat terdapat unsur-unsur keagamaan demi membuat kita tersentuh akan saran dan pendapat yang Iowa berikan. Dalam pembuatan puisi, pemilihan kata yang tepat seperti kata kita sering digunakan demi membuat suasana cosmopolitan dan nyata. Ada pula rima yang bersamaan demi membuat puisi lebih bermakna. Banyak kata-kata figuratif yang digunakan oleh Taufiq seperti halnya Gayatri yang mengartikan reinkarnasi akan semangat untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Penulisan puisi yang cukup jenius ini memberikan kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar minat untuk mengamatinya serta memberikan kita inspirasi. Pada dasarnya, esai ini merangkupi analisa terhadap karangan Taufiq Ismail yang berunsur politik dan agama yang terbentuk dalam puisi. Terdapat kata pengantar yang member penjelasan tentang Taufiq Ismail dan karangannya yang akan di bahas, Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence Dari analisa tersebut sendiri, dan kesimpulan atas analisa dari puisi-puisi itu. Analisa ini Akan setidaknya memberi gambaran atas bagaimana seorang Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi dalam konteks kea gamaan dan politik. KATA PENGANTAR Taufiq Ismail ialah seorang penyair yang lahir di Bukittinggi pada tanggal 25 Juni, 1935. Sosok kelulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Universitas Indonesia ini lebih dikenal sebagai penyair yang unik atas karangan-karangannya yang bernafaskan politik dan agama. Semangat untuk menjadi penyair diawali dengan rasa cinta untuk membaca lembaran-lembaran puisi karangan orang sebelumnya dan juga sejarah, politik, dan agama. Karya-karya Taufiq banyak mendapatkan penghargaan Dari negeri sendiri maupun negeri luar: penghargaannya diatara lain ialah, Anugerah Seni Dari Pemerintah ( 1970 ) , Cultural Visit Award Pemerintah Australia ( 1977 ) , South East Asia Write Award dari Kerajaan Thailand ( 1994 ) , Penulisan Karya Sastra Dari Pusat Bahasa ( 1994 ) . Dua kali ia menjadi penyair tamu di Universitas Iowa, Amerika Serikat ( 1971-1972 dan 1991-1992 ) , lalu pengarang tamu di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur ( 1993 ) [ 1 ] . Taufiq Ismail merupakan seseorang yang mempunyai aspirasi politi k dengan rasa nasionalisme yang cukup kuat disertai keimanan sebagai umat Islam yang teguh. Atas karakteristik yang Iowa miliki, Taufiq pun memberi pendapatnya melewati puisi-puisi yang dikarangnya. Keunikannya inilah yang mengantarnya untuk mendapatkan penghargaan-penghargaan tersebut. Banyak contoh-contoh puisi yang menunjukan rasa nasionalisme yang dapat membangun semangat akan citra bangsa dengan gambaran kondisi yang sedang dialami pada Masa tertentu. Banyak juga contoh-contoh puisi yang mempunyai unsur-unsur keagamaan. Contoh-contoh puisinya dapat ditemukan di kumpulan puisi Tirani dan Benteng . Puisi-puisi dalam rangkuman Tirani dan Benteng dikarang pada tahun 1960an dimana Indonesia pada saat tersebut sedang mengalami banyak krisis. Kata tirani datang Dari kata tiran dalam Indonesian Yunani yang bermakna seorang aristokrat pada rain tree dahulu di Yunani. Pada waktu 1960an, terjadi perubahan Dari orde lama ke orde baru. Taufiq Ismail wordplay banyak menunjukan komentar nya Dari sudut aspirasi kepolitikannya dan juga dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur keagamaan. Bagaimanakah Taufiq Ismail dapat menunjukan sudut pandangnya tersebut kedalam puisi sehingga pembaca dapat mengambil kesimpulan tentang keadaan dan kondisi pada saat tersebut? Disinilah dimana puisi-puisi Taufiq dapat dianalisa untuk mengetahui mengapa kita sebagai pembaca dapat merasakan semangat di dalam jiwa sang penyair terhadap kondisi pada zamannya. Akan ada terbagi dalam tiga bagian: puisi-puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, dan puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik dan agama. Dengan adanya pembagian ini, akan lebih terlihat jelas makna dari unsur-unsur politik dan agama yang ingin disampaikan Taufiq. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK Salah satu contoh puisi yang mempunyai sifat pada bidang kepolitikan dapat dilihat di dalam rangkuman Tirani . Puisi tersebut ialah Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah dan puisi tersebut berbunyi: Ada penggunan diksi atau tata Indonesian yang unik. Menurut saya, kata-kata seperti Kami, mereka, dan semuanya bersifat universal. Ia membuat puisi ini menjadi bagian Dari masyarakat-masyarakat pada rain tree tersebut. Puisi ini seolah-olah berbicara untuk persepsi yang luas dan bermasyarakat. Jaket berlumur darah menunjukkan sebuah perjuangan yang menumpahkan darah dilanjutkan dengan kalimat kami semua menatapmu yang bermakna harapan. Kata jaket mengartikan alma mater parity mahasiswa dan darah mengindikasikan sifat Dari perjuangan. Duka yang agung dan kepedihan bertahun-tahun menunjukkan bahwasannya mereka telah lama menahan rasa sakit yang sangat dalam ; rasa tersiksa. Kata bertahun-tahun memberitahukan kita bahwa kejadian ini tercipta bertahun sebelum pemberontakkan terjadi, 1966. Dengan kata lain, tahun sebelumnya, 1965, ada persitiwa yang telah menyakitkan hati parity masyarakat ; peristiwa tersebut ialah ganyang PKI. Salah satu tokoh yang dapat menyimbolisasikan jaket berlumur darah ialah A.R. Hakim yang tertembak di saat pemberontakkan terjadi. Di come-on kedua, pendapat saya ialah sungai itu menyibolisasikan aparat keamanan. Mereka menahan parity mahasiswa untuk mencari kebebasan. Satu bukti bahwa sungai itu ialah aparat adalah mereka berlapis senjata dan sangkur baja . Sang penyair wordplay membuat parity pendengar atau pembaca untuk berpikir tentang kejadian apabila mereka tengah mundur dan meninggalkan perjuangan mereka selama ini ; mereka akan mematuhi peraturan yang tidak adil . Taufiq wordplay lalu membuat pernyataan di come-on berikutnya bahwasannya mereka telah menatap spanduk-spanduk yang berisi tentang ajakan untuk melawan pemerintahan. Disambung pada come-on berikutnya dimana penyair menyatakan spanduk atau slogan-slogan ajakan untuk memberntas ketidak adilan societal di pemerintahan ini telah tersebar luas ; melalui ocular maupun verbal. Namun yang unik Dari puisi ini ialah puisi ini diakhiri dengan ajakan LANJUTKAN PERJUANGAN! yang berarti mereka, walaupun risau dah gelisah serta merasa tertekan, tetap melanjutkkan perjuangannya untuk membentuk pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Kalimat ini dengan sengaja dikapitalisasikan atau dihuruf besarkan dengan tujuan memberi penegasan atau tekanan kepada parity pembaca atau pendengar bahwa mereka harus tetap melanjutkan perjuangan dan tidak menyerah begitu saja walaupun mereka berlumurkan darah maupun gugur. Alma Mater merupakan simbolisasi akan mahasiswa. Kalimat pertama merupakan pemberian semangat kepada mahasiswa yang berada di tengah demonstrasi epoch reformasi. Dari puisi ini, dapat di lihat bait per come-on bahwasannya sang penyair memberi semangat kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa agar tetap tegar walau salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagai tanda penjelasan yang lebih, ada pula potongan dari come-on pertama dimana dinyatakan menuju pemakaman ; siang ini memberi petunjuk untuk pembaca atau pendengar agar kita dapat mengidentifikasikan salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan, ada kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang gugur tersebut ialah A.R. Hakim. Terletak di come-on ke dua, anakmu yang berani ; telah tersungkur ke bumi ; ketika melawan tirani memberi isyarat bahwa kepada orang tua daripada anak tersebut untuk tetap tegar karena anaknya wafat sebagai seorang pahlawan. Kata tirani menunjukkan kita bahwa Si anak tersebut melawan seorang aristokrat yang bertindak seperti penguasa besar karena kata tirani yang berdasarkan Dari Tiran merupakan seorang aristokrat yang cukup berkuasa di rain tree yunani kuno. Pada kesimpulannya, puisi ini menceritakan bagaimana seorang mahasiswa yang tengah memperjuangkan keadilan dengan melawan American ginseng tirani dan lalu gugur. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada come-on kedua seperti berani, bumi, dan tirani dapat memberikan sebuah sentuhan akan perasaan agar makna puisi dapat lebih ditangkap. Puisi di atas melukiskan kejadian demostrasi parity mahasiswa. Terjadi di saat pagi hari tiba, jalan parity mahasiswa wordplay diblokir. Kita sebagai pembaca dapat mengethaui bahwa jalannya telah diblokir Dari potongan kalimat barikade yang telah di oryx . Ketika itu langit pucat ; di atas harmoni membuat seolah-olah mereka yang datang untuk mencari keharmonisan dan lalu diricaukan oleh aparat yang ditetapkan oleh tirani . Di come-on kedua, telah di beritahukan kondisi yang cukup parah di mana parity aparat telah mempersiapkan baju dan persenjataan yang lengkap dan sebaliknya parity pemberontak, mahasiswa, hanya dapat menunggu dengan rasa gelisah. Kondisi yang sangat panas disertai debaran jantung akan penantian aparat di balik kawat. Bendera setengah tiang adalah sebuah petunjuk untuk memberi informasi bahwasannya adenosine deaminase yang gugur Dari mereka. Faktor oleh tertulisnya setengah tiang melambangkan seorang pahlawan yang telah gugur ; Taufiq melihat dirinya dan parity mahasiswa lainnya sebagai pemberontak yang adenosine deaminase untuk membela bangsa. Kata Gayatri yang dikapitalisasikan ialah seorang dewi yang dapat mengiterpretasikan harta, pendidikan, atau wordplay reinkarnasi. Karena puisi ini berhubungan dengan kematian maka asumpsi saya ialah Gayatri di sini merupakan interpretasi Dari reinkarnasi. Reinkarnasi itu wordplay dapat diartikan sebagai rasa semangat yang tiada matinya. Puisi wordplay namun ditutup oleh seorang ibu menengadah ; menyeka matanya yang basah yang menunjukan betapa sedihnya sang ibunda akan anaknya yang menjadi korban. Menurut saya, Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi ini dengan artian untuk menyadarkan kita sebagai pendengar untuk lebih menuaikan perasaan Akan pemerintahan orde lama yang terlihat tidak adil sehingga dunia politik wordplay kacau dan kemiskinan bertambah. Puisi di atas menceritakan suasana setelah serpihan demonstrasi parity mahasiswa dilaksanakan. Terlihat dari cara American ginseng penyair menulis bahwa mereka kurang berhasil dalam upaya melawan aparat setempat karena mereka mempunyai persenjataan lengkap sedangkan parity pemberontak hanya bermodalkan nyali dan semangat. Lalu merekapun mundur, bukan berarti menyerah, hanya tidak berdaya untuk melawan. Pilihan kata seperti merenung memperlihatkan kepada kita sebagaimana mereka tampak cukup kecewa. Mereka wordplay beristirahat di kampus, dan lalu melihat segeromboloan anak mahasiswa Dari Kota seberang seperti Bogor. Mereka dari mana-mana ; semuanya kumal, semuanya tak bicara menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Dari Bogor tersebut juga di tengah memperjuangkan epoch reformasi yang baru. Meski mereka terlihat letih dan kumal, mereka pantang menyerah ; menyerah akan senjata Dari aparat yang ditetapkan oleh sang pemimpin. Karena keributan di Masa 1966 ini, parity mahasiswa ini juga sepakat bahwasannya mereka secara tidak langsung melupakan tugas aslinya parity mahasiswa, belajar, karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang bisa terjadi kapan wordplay. Kejadian pemberontakkan tersebut merupakan unsur-unsur politik yang lalu dijadikan ke dalam bentuk puisi oleh Taufiq. Namun, pemberontakkan yang dibicarakan itu berkaitan dengan keguguran dari salat seorang Dari mereka yang ternama ialah di saat Arif Rahman Hakim tertembak. Taufiq wordplay menunjukan keunikannya dalam mengemukakan pendapatnya Dari puisi dengan cara berbeda-beda. Salah satunya ia menggunakan nama temannya itu, Arif Rahman Hakim, di dalam puisinya. Taufiq memulai dengan seruan Kami tidak bisa dibubarkan ; apalagi dicoba dihalaukan ; dari gelanggan ini untuk mengispirasikan masyarakat bahwa mereka tidak akan menyerah. Taufiq pun seakan-akan ingin menyampaikan bahwa semangat yang tinggi dapat menghasilkan pasukan yang kokoh. Sejarah sedang singgah adalah sebuah ekspresi akan petunjuk mereka ingin membuat sebuah perubahan. Di sertai dengan sambutan yang baik untuk merubah Masa lalu sehingga kehidupan yang mendatang akan menjadi lebih baik. Di dalam puisi ini terdapat ingatan untuk pembaca atau pendengar untuk tidak menunda waktu untuk berbuat apa yang telah direncanakan. Lalu, penyair meletakkan nama Arif di dalam puisi untuk memperkuat makna perjuangan yang harus dilakukan secara cepat dan tegas. Menurut saya, kata Arif itu juga dapat diartikan sebagai kebijaksanaan ; jadi, Arif yang telah gugur dapat mengiterpretasikan kebijaksanaan yang hilang. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG AGAMA Taufiq Ismail walaupun seorang yang mengeritik keadaan sosial Dari beragam macam puisi, ia juga merupakan seseorang yang taat dalam beragama. Ia menulis puisi dalam aspek keagamaan yang cukup teguh. Salah satu contoh puisi yang memuat ansur-ansur keagamaan ialah Doa . Puisi di atas berwujud sebuah doa ; percakapan antara manusia kepada Tuhannya. Selain dari judul yang secara jelas memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya Iowa sedang berdoa, percakapan kepada Tuhan dapat dilihat dari hurup M yang dikapitalisasikan pada setiap kata yang mengartikan kamu. Ada kemungkin dimana Taufiq Ismail merasa berdosa akan tingkah lakunya yang mengelapkan hati akibat Dari demonstrasi terhadap pemerintahan. Seperti dituliskan di atas, telah nista Kami dalam dosa bersama ; bertahun-tahun membangun kultus ini ; dalam pikiran yang ganda ; dan menutupi hati nurani Taufiq Ismail bersama rekannya tidak sepenuhnya dapat memastikan apa yang mereka lakukan ini merupakan hal yang baik di sisi American ginseng pencipta, namun pemberontakkan ini ialah rasa keinginan untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Akibat dari kontroversi ini, ada kemungkinan Taufiq Ismail memanjatkan doa agar segala kesalahnya dalam bertindak demi kebaikan itu segera diampunkan. Keseriusan T aufiq dalam mempanjatkan permohonan atas pengampunan dosa dapat dilahat dari cara Iowa mengulangi come-on yang berbunyi ampunilah Kami ; ampunilah ; amin sebanyak dua saltwort. Selain menjadi seseorang yang memandang tinggi soal sosial, Taufiq juga peduli dengan keteguhan agamanya. Demikianlah salat satu conoh puisi yang bergerak pada bidang agama yang dikarang oleh Taufiq Ismail. Karena rasa keteguhannya pada keagamaan cukup kuat, ia wordplay namun mencoba mengkombinasikan unsur-unsur keagamaan dengan politik. Bentuk daripada puisi seperti tersebut beragam ; ada yang berupa himbauan dan juga adenosine deaminase yang bersifat nasehat. Kedua komponen puisi itu Akan dianalisa pada bagaian selanjutnya. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK A ; AGAMA Seperti yang diinformasikan di atas, ada puisi yang mengkombinasikan antara agama dan politik. Puisi pertama ini Akan mempunyai elemen himbauan. Himbain disini merupakan sebuah puisi yang menceritakan soal seorang ibunda yang merelakan serta mengikhlaskan kepergian anaknya untuk berdemonstrasti melawan pemerintahan yang dianggap salat pada zamannya. Judul dari pada puisi tersebut ialah Dari Ibu Seorang Demonstran . Terdapat pada puisi di atas dimana rasa keagamaan yang bercampur dengan rasa keinginan untuk membentuk epoch reformasi yang baru. Di mulai dengan Ibu telah merelakan hookah ; untuk berangkat demonstrasi ; karena kalian pergi menyempurnakan ; kemerdekaan negeri ini yang menceritakan bagaimana seorang ibu bersedia anaknya untuk berjuang demi hak-hak rakyat yang belum tercapai serta kedamaian sosial untuk seluruh rakyat karena apalah arti kemerdekaan apabila kesengsaraan masih tetap meraja lela. Sang ibu juga bercerita tentang bagaimana aparat langsung menambak mati parity demonstran tanpa melempar gas air mata terlebih dahulu. Ada juga kutipan di atas dimana disebutkan delapan belas tahun yang lalu American ginseng ayah tertembak. Delapan belas tahun yang lalu merukapa periode Indonesia memperjuangkan kemerdekaannya di saat Belanda memasuki Indonesia kembali. demikian, sang ibu tetap ingin mereka, anak-anaknya, untuk tetap berjuang. Ciuman dari ibunda tersebut merupakan simbolisasi Akan doa restu atau persetujuan untuk melanjutkan perjuangan walau berbahaya. Ibunda juga memberi pengajaran agama di balik sebuah perjuangan dengan melafaskan nama Allah sebelum melakukan sesuatu. Melawan orang-orang yang bertindak tidak primanusiawi merupakan bagian Dari jihad dan oleh karena itu sangi ibu ingin mereka untuk berjuang di jalan Allah, sang pencipta, agar mereka selalu mendapat tuntunan yang benar. Dari kalimat sunyi Dari dendam dan kebencian saya menyimpulkan bahwa American ginseng ibu tidak ingin anaknya untuk membawa pemberontakkan ini dengan rasa dendam dan benci. Melawan karena rasa kebencian itu merupakan hal yang tidak baik, maka Dari itu sang ibunda menganjurkan anak-anaknya untuk berjuang di jalan yang Maha kuasa. Puisi di akhiri dengan aksi mulia pamitan Dari ketiga anak tersebut: Iwan, Ida, dan Hadi, untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Pamitan tersebut menyimbolisasikan ke harmonisan dan juga kata pamit itu berkonotasi perpisahan. Penutupan terakhir yang terd apat di tanda kurung, tanpa menoleh lagi, tanpa kata-kata memberitahukan kita bahwasannya anak-anak tersebut telah rela untuk meninggal. Di dalam puisi ini, terdapat Taufiq Ismail memberi dukungan terhadap pemberontakan melalui unsur-unsur agama. Puisi ini merupakan salat satu contoh bagaimana Taufiq Ismail dapat mengabungkan aspirasi politik dan agama. Sifat dari kepolitikannya dapat dilihat dari dorongan untuk memberontak melawan aristokrat dan juga sifat Dari keagamaannya dapat dilihat dari himbauan American ginseng ibu untuk selalu mengingat kepada Allah dalam berjuang. Unsur politik yang mengandung nilai-nilai agama lainnya yang ditunjukkan oleh Taufiq Ismail dapat dilihat dari puisi Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Puisi ini mempunyai elemen yang berupa nasehat. Dapat di analisa bahwa pesan-pesan di atas berakhir pada tingkatan tertinggi yaitu Tuhan. Menyampaikan kebenaran dapat ditujukan kepada kepala pemerintahan rain tree tersebut. Di sambung dengan keyakinan yang tidak dapat di perjual belikan karena hal itu bersifat emosional dan menjadi rakyat yang di terus ditipu ialah tindakkan yang tidak manusiawi. Kalimat ini ditujukan lagi kepada kepala pemerintahan. Selanjutnya, di tujukan untuk semua secara cosmopolitan bahwa tindakan yang zalim harus segera di berantaskan ; termasuk hal-hal seperti pemerintahan yang tidak baik. Pohon-pohon di puisi ini menyimbolisasikan aristokrat-aristokrat yang zalim dan harus ditumbangkan. Bukan lah sang aristokrat seperti itulah yang harus diagungkan, melaikan American ginseng Rasul. Di rain tree 1966 ini, pemimpin berlaku kuasa dan tidak adil ; jadi, bukanlah Pongo pygmaeus seperti itu yang harus diharumkan namanya. Dan yang terakhir, gugur secara syahid di jalan Ilahi merupakan jalan yang terbaik. Seperti mana disebutkan pada puisi sebelumnya, memberantas keburukan ialah suatu pembentukan Dari jihad dimana apabila seseorang mati, dianggap Pongo pygmaeus tersebut mati syahid. Puisi ini sepertinya membandingkan sosok pemimpin dengan cara memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya bukan Pongo pygmaeus yang seperti mereka miliki di rain tree itu yang harus diagungkan, melainkan sosok seperti Rasul. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada puisi ini juga dipergunakan untuk memberi sentuhan kepada perasaan kita agar dapat memahami arti yang ingin Iowa sampaikan. Taufiq menyempatkan unsur agama di dalam nasehat tersebut yang secara tidak langsung mencerminkan bahwa Taufiq merupakan sosok yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama. KESIMPULAN Kesimpulan dari semua puisi di atas ialah mereka berbicara untuk cosmopolitan serta makna yang cukup dalam untuk keadaan dan kondisi pada rain tree tersebut. Dapat terlihat pada seluruh puisi di atas, saya memilih epoch tahun 1966. Tahun 1966 merupakan epoch reformasi dimana keributan tengah terjadi ; jejak-jejak bekas PKI ( Partai Komunis Indonesia ) masih tersisa, revolusi yang cukup mengempar, dan perubahan orde lama. Banyak terdapat unsur-unsur kritik politik dan keadaan sosial. Di dalam kritik-kritik tersebut, Taufiq menyempatkan diri untuk meletakkan sisi keagamaan. Dari pernyataan ini, kita dapat mengetahui Taufiq Ismail ini ialah seseorang yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama dan selalu bertindak dalam kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan dalam agamanya. Ada kalanya dimana Iowa mungkin sedikit takut akan dosa yang Iowa lakukan di saat berdemonstrasi, maka Dari itulah Iowa menunjukan rasa hibanya Dari puisi doa . Mengapa pada awalnya saya mengatakan universal? Saya mengataka n cosmopolitan berdasarkan kata kita yang terus dipakai oleh Taufiq dalam menulis puisi ini. Kata kita terus dipergunakan karena mengandung arti kebersamaan. Mereka secara bersama-sama berontak terhadap pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan kata kita, puisi wordplay akan terasa lebih dramatis karena perasaan yang mendengar atau membaca akan lebih kompak antara satu dengan lainnya. Segala kita di puisi ini mempunyai tujuan yang sama sehingga mereka semua terlihat bersatu. Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi-puisi ini seolah-olah parity mahasiswa adalah orang-orang yang benar. Apakah demikian? Itu tergantung kepada yang menginterpretasikannya. Walau bagaimanapun juga, Taufiq Ismail tetap menjadi seseorang yang legendaris di mata saya karena keunikannya. Ia unik dalam membuat kritik yang bersifat samar-samar namun melekat di jiwa. Seperti halnya puisi Arithmatik Sederhana, puisi ini merupakan puisi yang sangat sederhana dan lalu kritiknya wordplay terlihat samar, namun Pongo pygmaeus secara t idak langsung dapat merasakan efek sampingnya. Ada pula puisi yang berbentuk restu seorang ibu yang merelakan anaknya untuk bergegas melawan tirani. Puisi ini dapat menjadi sebuah himbauan untuk parity ibu-ibu untuk merelakan anak-anaknya berjuang. Dukungan atas semangat wordplay dapat dicurahkan melewati puisi, seperti puisi Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah. Pada puisi ini terdapat seseorang yang gugur. Orang yang gugur tersebut merupakan salat satu keguguran yang cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat, yaitu keguguran Arif Rachman Hakim. Ada juga puisi yang diciptakan berupa nasehat. Nasehat ini mempunyai alur cerita yang menyentuh permukaan agama ; contohnya, Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Apabila dianalisa, puisi Taufiq Ismail sering mempunyai unsur keagamaan terutama di saat puisi-puisi tersebut berwujud nasehat. Hampir segala karya Taufiq Ismail mempunyai pesan moral atau himbauan untuk kita di balik puisi-puisinya ; dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, Taufiq membuatnya unik dan berbeda. Bibliography Taufiq Ismail . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . TIRANI dan BENTENG. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; li ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Taufik Ismail | Penyair | Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia. Tokoh Indonesia Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia Ensikonesia | Tokoh Nasional Indonesian Famous | The Journalistic Biography. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tiran . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Ismail, Taufiq. Tirani ; dan, Benteng dua kumpulan puisi. Djakarta: Yayasan Ananda, 1992. Print. Taufiq Ismail, Janji untuk Bertindak, dan Komunitas Terbayang. Kabut Institut. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tirani dan Benteng. Mengumpulkan Puisi Membaginya Juga. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . hypertext transfer protocol: //

Saturday, November 23, 2019

7 Ways to Kick Start the Writing Habit

7 Ways to Kick Start the Writing Habit 7 Ways to Kick Start the Writing Habit 7 Ways to Kick Start the Writing Habit By Daniel Scocco Sometime ago I came across an interesting post on Freelance Folder outlining seven ways to get your creative juices flowing. If you have been writing for a while, you know that getting out of the occasional writers block is a challenging task. Below you will find the seven tips, I am pretty sure they will be useful. Write nothing but headlines Write ‘crap’ without feeling guilty Schedule regular time and show up, even if you think you can’t write Write about how you solved a problem Edit older articles Type out other people’s articles Write something right now If you want more tips we have also covered this topic in the past, check out: How to Bypass Your Internal Editor Write Super Fast How to Start Writing When You Don’t Feel Like It Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict20 Rules About Subject-Verb AgreementWords Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Korean War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Korean War - Essay Example The colonial started in 1910, which was marked by positive developments such as population growth because of improvement in hygiene and introduction of modern medicine. The colonial government was also responsible for many other improvements besides health such as implementing policies to modernize institutions and the Korean economy (Thomas White International, Ltd.). Other developments were expansion of railway, roads, harbors, telegraph, and the telephone network. Following Korean was not happy with the colonization by the Japanese. As much as the colonization brought development, Koreans were being oppressed by the Japanese rule. It was common for them to carry out demonstrations for independence from time to time. One incident was when young Koreans mostly students and Christians were inspired by US president Woodrow Wilson Idealism in 1918 and decide to carry out peaceful demonstrations. This did not go down in favor of the Koreans because the Japanese responded with brutal for ce, which comprise of beheading schoolchildren, and nailing Christians on crosses. Korea had been divided into two after the World War II, the north and south. The north had been occupied by Soviet troops and the south by Americans. The Korean War broke out when the northern communist side invaded the southern democratic side; historians see it as the first armed battle of the Cold War. Post war South Korea for several years underwent political hardships under various autocratic rulers. Most notorious being Major general Park Chung Hee, however coincidentally his rule saw significant economic growth of the country. Protests led to the military regime holding elections in 1987, which led to a stable governance starting in 1990. In terms of economy, South Korea impressively has transformed from poverty to one of Asia’s greatest economies. Its per capita GNP has grown greatly from $100 in 1963 to over $16,000 by 2005 (Thomas White International, Ltd.). As much

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Death Penalty Should be Banned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death Penalty Should be Banned - Essay Example It aims at deterring others from committing similar crimes. Death penalty has been in existence for a long time and it is surprising that such a barbaric and inhumane act is still enduring in the apparently civilized world we live in today. This paper discusses why death penalty should be banned and whether it has been successful in reducing the rates of crimes that it is meant to deter. Since life is extremely valuable, no crime is significant enough to demand a deliberate and â€Å"lawful† murder of any individual. Death penalty should thus be banned and all laws that permit it should be exterminated. Several studies have proved that death penalty is unsuccessful in reducing crime rates. The main goal of capital punishment is to set an example for prospective criminals and to instill the fear that they will meet the same end for their crimes. Capital punishment thus aims at deterring any future crimes. However, it seems to have failed in achieving its objectives. According to statistics published by the Death Penalty Information Center, murder rates in death penalty states are higher than in non-death penalty states. The murder rate in death penalty states in 1990 was 9.5 while it was 9.16 in the non-death penalty states. By 2009, the murder rates in death penalty states came down to 5.26 and to 3.90 in non-death penalty states.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Apple Mission Statement Essay Example for Free

Apple Mission Statement Essay Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices. When shoppers sleep outside of stores just to be one of the first to buy an iPhone, its obvious that Apple Inc. is a company that enjoys fanatical brand loyalty. However, this brand success is not a result of dumb luck or forces beyond Apples control; its part of a well-thought-out plan to deliver strong products and to create an Apple culture. Find out more about these and other strategies that Apple employs to achieve its tremendous customer loyalty. A Store Just for Apple: Apple has historically been troubled by big-box sales staffers who are ill-informed about its products, a problem that made it difficult for Apple to set its very different products apart from the rest of the computing crowd. By creating a store strictly devoted to Apple products, the company has not only eliminated this problem but has made an excellent customer-loyalty move. Apple stores are a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike are encouraged to play with and explore the technology that the company offers. This is a space where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer. Complete Solutions: Apples products complement and complete each other. Buy an iPod, and you can download music via iTunes. For the average user, most Mac programs are produced by Apple. This sort of control over the entire user process, from hardware to software, strengthens customer loyalty. Apple users generally dont have to stray to find products and solutions they want. Are You a Mac? : Lets face it, Apple is a hip brand. It pushes a strong identification with everything young, up-to-the-minute and smart. Consider Apples Im a Mac campaign. The Mac guy is smooth and confident, while PC appears uptight and old. Once youve become smooth, would you want to go back to uptight? Varied Products: Many consumers may not be ready to buy an Apple computer, but theyre willing to give gadgets like the iPod or iPhone a try. By selling products with lower entry costs, t creates an opportunity for new users to be introduced to Apple. If these users enjoy their gadgets, theyre more likely to consider buying an Apple computer in the future. Media Fodder: Media outlets, especially bloggers, love to write about Apple. Why? Because Apple makes it so easy. With leaked rumors about new developments, its very own expo and mysterious shutdowns of its online store, Apple gift wraps news stories that are just begging for speculation and hype. By perpetuating this cycle of media frenzy, Apple keeps its customers excited about buying new Apple products now and in the future. Education Sales: By selling its products to schools and universities, Apple turns classrooms into showrooms. If students go through school using Apple products, they become comfortable with the interface and familiar with the superior performance the brand offers. By creating this early exposure, Apple captures customers before they even know that they are customers. Products That Deliver: Apple carefully considers what consumers are looking for, so its products are a result of both extensive research and strong design. This meticulous planning is a large contributor to Apples high customer-satisfaction rates. Its plain and simple: Robust and easy-to-use products not only make your customers happy, but also make them want to buy more products from you in the future. Outsourcing Unpleasantness: With Apple products, the average consumers interaction with the company is likely to be low. Unless something goes wrong, you dont have any reason to speak with an Apple customer-service representative. Of course, the iPhone presented an opportunity that could have made Apple much more involved, similar to administering iTunes for the iPod. With a phone, interaction becomes multifaceted. You have to consider billing errors, quality of wireless service, contracts and a number of other factors that often lead to customer frustration. With the iPhone, Apple was wise to stick with building a good product and letting ATT handle the service. Consistency: All of Apples products have the same basic architecture. Because of this consistency, customers who already own Apple products have a good idea of what theyll be getting before they make a purchase. They know that it will be easy to adapt to new hardware, and this makes them more open to making a repeat purchase. New Innovations: Although the architecture of Apple products is consistent, its portfolio is not. The company offers consumers a number of different ways to enjoy its products. By giving customers an opportunity to employ Apple in their living rooms, pockets and offices, Apple makes it easy to stay loyal to a brand they already like. Attractiveness: From packaging to aesthetic design to user-interface experience, Apple makes its products accessible and attractive. Bright colors, a smiling icon and slick-looking hardware remind customers every time they use Apple products that what Apple offers is appealing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A World Without Engineers :: essays research papers

A World Without Engineers Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, on the planet Zovirax, there was an evil king, King Syphilis, who was mighty pleased with himself, for he had just banished all the engineers on the planet to work in the Pixie Stick Powder mines on the moons of Gluteus. "You see," he told his sycophantic servants and lackeys, "I have solved two problems with one simple executive order. I have rid the planet of those annoying, nerdy, know-it-all, engineers." (King Syphilis was actually quite envious of them, because he went to a Junior University in Palo Alto, and didn't know very much at all.) "And secondly," he explained, "I have provided cheap slave labor for the Pixie Stick Powder mines, thus ensuring a limitless supply of this heavenly confection for all to enjoy." All of King Syphilis' staff applauded loudly, because he tended to behead those who didn't. "Bring us intoxicating chemicals, so that we may celebrate," ordered the king. "I'm sorry, Mr. King Syphilis," replied the servant. "You banished all the chemical engineers to the powder mines, so we cannot make the intoxicating chemicals anymore." King Syphilis was quite mad. Nobody talked back to him and go away with it. "Bring me my plutonium phasor gun, so that I may vaporize this impudent guy," ordered the king. "I'm sorry, my good King Syphilis," replied another servant. "Since you deported all the nuclear engineers to the powder mines, we have been unable to operate the plutonium powered phasor gun." Now the king was really mad. "I'm really mad!" said the king. "Bring me my limousine, so that I may repeatedly run over these contumelious servants of mine." "No can do, Mr. King," said the third servant, whose part will be played in the movie version by Keanu Reeves. "All the mechanical engineers are in the mine place, and everyone knows, you can't drive cars without mechanics." "Go jump off a bridge!" said King Syphilis. Another of his servants interrupted, "We have no more bridges, since all the civil engineers have been exiled to the powder mines. Perhaps we should bring them all back." But the king was not the brightest of kings, so he didn't agree to that just yet. "Bring me my vibrating pleasure device, so that I may relax and think about this dilemma of ours," ordered the king. "We are unable to do that, my king, because all the electrical engineers who design the vibrating pleasure devices are in the powder mines." "Hmmm," thought the king. "Perhaps I was wrong in banishing the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Certificate of making good defects,c.d.m, latent defects

* Under 2005 The Certificate Of Practical J.C.T. Completion has far making effects upon the rights and duties of all concerned within the contract these include the beginning of the defects liability period which normally lasts for 6 months. Possession of the site returns to the employer. The hazard and harm to plants, and 3rd party liability transportations back to the employer. Retention is collectible in portion ( 50 % ) . Arbitration may be sought if required. No farther fluctuation to works may be issued unless monies for plants to be carried out are re-calculated and agreed. The restriction period begins. Application for the Certificate of completion may be made and within 14 yearss of reception of application the relevant organic structure must publish the said certification of completion. * The Certificate of Making Good Defects is a certification that is in relation to the completion of defects, imperfectnesss, shrinking and any other mistake raised during the defect liability period. It is issued when in the sentiment of the Architect and others the contractor has rectified and made good all defects and any other mistakes within clip frame of the defect liability period of clip allowed by the Architect/ Engineer and confirmed in authorship. The day of the month will be stated when the contractor completed said plants. * The relevancy of The Health and Safety file is such that it provides every bit much and relevant information as possible sing all plants carried out in the completion of the contract. It is inclusive of all method statements and hazard appraisals refering to the plants. It shows any jobs that may use to the hereafter of the development / construction etc.It minimises Any hazard to secret agents involved in any hereafter works that may be carried out, Such as care, redevelopment, destruction or fix. The file must be handed to the employer at the terminal of the contract.* LATENT DEFECTSThe possible paths open for a client one time a latent defect has been discovered is to raise certain insurances already in topographic point, and certain conditions under J.c.t footings of contract * Collateral guarantee. There are besides some alternate paths * Latent defect insurance * N.H.B.C Insurance ( Various ) * NHBC ‘s guarantee and insurance screen, available for up to 12 old ages, covering over 80 % of all UK ‘s new build societal lodging developments. It is specifically designed to protect Housing Associations ( HAs ) and other Registered Social Landlords ( RSLs ) build undertakings including new physique, transitions and redevelopments, multiple tenancy undertakings, anteroom strategies, pupil adjustment and mixed-use sites. This comprehensive guarantee provides extended screen for contractor defect liability and insolvency for up to 2 old ages after completion. Building failures cover for latent defects significantly cut downing the demand for indirect guarantees* Collateral Warranty J.C.T 2005 9.4The client may wish the contractor to supply a indirect guarantee under J.C.T 2005 9.4 Collateral guarantees are contracts necessitating the relevant parties to reason a separate understanding. The promise by the Contractor is similar to the contract inside informations at practical completion ( Defect Liability ) . If the contractor does non follow with the employers notice he may be apt for a claim of amendss for breach of chief contract. However if a defect does non demo until a much later day of the month, It requires the client to prosecute for amendss in the manner of contractual entitlement. If there is no insurance against the failure to supply indirect amendss the employer can see amendments to the standard signifier of contract.Latent Defects insurance* Latent defect insurance is a long-run insurance screen.It includes new edifices against harm or the at hand menace of harm caused by faulty design, craft and stuffs in the construction of the edifice. The construction of the edifice usually means the foundation, walls, floors, roof, other supporting elements, the waterproof envelope and if the edifice has a cellar, it ‘s waterproofing component. * Cover is besides available for loss of rent or revenuelost as a consequence of harm caused by a latent defect. Some insurance companies nowoffer Latent Defects insurance for undertakings retaining bing edifices and for bing edifices including some coverfor non-structural constituents

Sunday, November 10, 2019

An Indian Muslim Wife Essay

Religion plays an important part in family and society in most of the Muslim societies. Muslims and Christians are spread throughout the world and the puritanical Christian and Muslim wife based in the concepts of scriptures of both religions may be a part of the books only [Rashid, 2007]. Cultural influences, economic conditions and varying influence of religion in the society means that a Muslim wife of one society is not subject to the same kind cultural practices throughout the world. An Afghan or a Saudi Arabian woman is more likely to follow the local religious practices of modesty and veils, while most Muslim women in India only have to observe a modest dress code. The very traditional families or families of religious scholars may still observe the hijab, a dress similar to that worn by Catholic nuns [Women, Islam & Hijab, 2007]. For the information given here, I contacted a few of Indian women in my locality and they happened to be of Muslim religion and agreed to share their knowledge and experiences with me [Indian Muslim Wife, 2007]. The first thing one hears in these conversations is that ‘there is no such thing as a typical Indian Muslim or Hindu Wife’. The society in many of the developing countries has vast difference between the rich and the poor, and there is also a fast developing middle class. The very rich have become largely anglicized and the English medium public education under the Cambridge/Oxford based schooling system has given them the perception of family life very similar to that of a European or American family. A few characteristics common to all Indian Muslim families are importance of family life, providing protective environment for the children, fidelity in marriage and finding spouse of Muslim faith. The Muslim wife of a rich Indian family is well provided for. She is normally well educated and even if she is not involved in her own career or business, she has to accompany her husband to social parties; she does not drink even if the Muslim husband has given up practicing the prohibition imposed by religion. A Muslim Indian wife is expected to be faithful to her husband. The pressure of the society is such that even if men were to astray, the wife risks the risk of being ostracized if she indulges in any such activities. Indian Muslim families normally have to live in an extended family. Looking after the parents is responsibility of the male children of the family. It is almost given that she any Muslim woman will have her in-laws living in the same house. Depending on their nature, it may be blessing to share a house with in-laws as a number of women can go out more freely to pursue their career or to attend the social functions while the elder members of the family can look after the children. Most rich Indian Muslim women can hire servants and only have to supervise the household responsibilities. The middle class Muslim Indian wife has many more problems. The man is the breadwinner and the woman looks after the house, brings up the children, looks after the in-laws if they are old and infirm and makes ends meet in relatively moderate income. The Indian middle class society is rather conservative and the religious restriction placed on Muslim middle class women due to conservatism restricts the freedom of movement, ability to work, choice of professions for women in the middle class Muslim families is also limited. The traditional families prefer to keep the women at home or if they have to work professions such as teaching, medicine and assisting family members in their business are preferred. The poor Indian Muslim wife probably suffers the most. They are married off at an early age by marriages arranged by their parents. Low income of the family means that Indian Muslim wife from a poor family has to work hard often in poor paid jobs as domestic servant or on farms. The full day work, however does not reduce her responsibilities at home as she has to do all the household work, cooking cleaning, looking after the husband and children and in laws too. The poverty-stricken family has to stay in huts or semi constructed houses in shantytowns and suffers all the problems of poverty. The Muslim Indian women are brought up in traditional ways and given Islamic as well as normal education. Divorce rates among Muslims are very low. This may also be a result of the problems in the society. Divorce carries some stigma, the women are allowed to re-marry and the young divorcees normally do. The pressures on families are economic, social and emotional. Break-up of family deprives the woman of financial support, women if they do not re-marry are not free to socialize or date as openly as in Europe/America.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chicken Basketball and Jamal Essay

Chicken Basketball and Jamal Essay Chicken: Basketball and Jamal Essay Born to Run Jamal King was born to run. All he ever did was run track. When he didn't a have track meet he would go to his favorite place to run, Jamal's favorite place was a 300 yd field and run five laps around the whole thing. One morning Jamal woke up and went to the field and there was a fence around the whole thing and the fence said NO TRESPASSING. Jamal went home balling out tears. Jamal found his first dog Sparky and would sometimes go there and run and play with his dog Sparky. That's also where Jamal first heard about track. So Jamal quit track and said "I should play a different sport." Jamal tried soccer and said no I can't play this. Then he went to football tryouts at his Middle school and didn't make the team. So he went to Basketball tryouts and made 6 out of 8 three pointers and he said I can still run. Jamal made the cut and he was so happy that he could run again. Jamal started out at Point Guard and was already a star. He led his District in assists, points, rebo unds, and steals. He led his team to a undefeated season going 10-0. But in the first game of the playoffs he struggled but he still had 6 assists and 21 points. In the second game the game before the championship, Jamal made a huge comeback down by 13 points then his teammates got 4 points and then Jamal got 2 three pointers to tie the game. It was 65-65 then the opponents got a three pointer which made the game 68-65. Jamal ran as hard as he could down the court he shot a three pointer and he missed but he got fouled. Jamal went up to the line, he shot his first shot and made it. He shot his second shot and made it. He shot his third shot and missed, but he got the rebound and threw the ball up and the ball went in. The crowd went wild Jamal was going to the Championship, which was played in Miami at the Heat stadium. In the Championship Jamal had 33 points, 10 assists, 4 steals, 6 rebounds and was still losing 67-56. But Jamal didn't give up he stole the ball ran down the court and dunked the ball nobody could do that in his league but he had the hops to get up there he really wanted to win the game. So the score is now 67-59.The opponents name was the Hokies and Jamal's team was the Cyclones. The Hokies shot a 3 pointer and missed Jamal got the rebound and passed it to his teammate and his teammate scored a 3 pointer then the score was then 67-62.Jamal's teamate got fouled and shot his free-throw

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Industrial Revolution Essay by BestEssay.Education

The Industrial Revolution Essay Any student in a modern western civilization or history course will of course reach those units related to the Industrial Revolution – the early Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) in England and the ensuing second Industrial Revolution that spread to the rest of Western Europe and America. This was a fascinating time in man’s journey, for it brought changes in lifestyles that no one could have imagined, along with social, economic, and political upheaval. It is no wonder, then, that instructors and professors love to assign essay and research papers on a huge variety of topics related to both Industrial Revolutions. If you have options for topics, you will have no problem finding one that interests you, because they are so varied. And almost any type of essay can be written as well – descriptive, definition, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and persuasive/argumentative. Here are some topic ideas for essays of each type. Descriptive Describe the working conditions in specific industries – meat packing, coal mining, steel or automotive factories. Describe the impact of the invention of the steam engine on industries other than transportation Describe the exodus from rural to urban areas and the living conditions in urban areas surrounding factories Definition What is an industrial revolution? Can we say that mankind, throughout all of history, has had mini industrial revolutions beginning with the invention of the wheel? Provide an extensive definition of the term division of labor both during the Industrial Revolution and today How did Henry Ford define the factory system that he created? Comparison/Contrast Contrast the manufacturing systems that used steam engine power with those that later came to use coal and hydroelectric power? Compare and contrast the lifestyles of so-called â€Å"native† Americans with those of newer immigrants who came from Eastern and Southern Europe. Contrast the public educational systems between the years 1875-1945 and today. Cause/Effect What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the family unit? What changes in governmental economic policies occurred as a result of the industrial revolution? What conditions and pressures resulted in child labor, work hours, and working conditions laws that restricted powerful industrial leaders? Persuasive/Argumentative Write a persuasive essay that supports or rejects the notion of laissez-faire capitalism. Minimum wage laws in the U.S. began in 1938. Make a case that they are or are not necessary today. Government regulations of industry and commerce began as early as the 1920’s. Are we-over-regulated today? What single invention during the Industrial Revolution (first or second) do you believe has, over time, had the greatest impact on man? Writing the Industrial Revolution Essay These essays, like those for any other courses, will require the same basic structure – introduction, body and conclusion. As well, be certain that you have included the following: A strong thesis statement in your introduction. Why is this topic important? The answer to that question will give you your thesis. You must have supportive detail for each point that you make in your body paragraphs. This means that you will need facts and figures from research – don’t’ scrimp! Begin your essay with a startling statistic or a short anecdote from your research. Be creative. Your essay can utilize interesting formats. For example, an essay that describes life on the factory floor might be written in the form of a letter that a new immigrant is writing to his family back in Europe. Writing the Industrial Revolution Research Paper Any of the topics above could be expanded to produce an excellent research paper. And, because of the time period involved, there are innumerable primary resource materials available. Use those, rather than secondary source materials. They are easy to find, and your instructor or professor will be greatly impressed! For these and any other essays or papers for which you need help, be sure to contact the helpful folks at .

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Authenticating iOS devices to join the Active Directory Domain Essay

Authenticating iOS devices to join the Active Directory Domain - Essay Example Closely associated with this is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) which will be employed to utilize its security and access features. With the understanding that the network will require wireless access, this paper gives the means through which such connections can be secured to assure integrity- the 802.1x is preferred.Closely associated with this is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) which will be employed to utilize its security and access features. With the understanding that the network will require wireless access, this paper gives the means through which such connections can be secured to assure integrity- the 802.1x is preferred.The overall objectives of this network are first: to allow iOS users to securely access resources on networks at their learning institutions or workplaces from any point within and without the premises and second, to cut down on costs of having to wire buildings with network cables. As a result convenience concerns are ave rted and comfort during access to services in the institution is attained. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol. It operates on a layer above the IP/TCP stack. It gives a system used to Search, connect to, and in the modification of Internet directories. The main purpose of LDAP is to facilitate access to an existing directory. LDAP is an open network protocol standard created to provide access to distributed directories, so that information can be retrieved or modified (Thompson).  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Emerency Sevices Managment - Advaced Interactions of Hazardous Case Study

Emerency Sevices Managment - Advaced Interactions of Hazardous Materials IV - Case Study Example T2 laboratory was a manufacturer of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MCMT). MCMT being a toxic and a highly inflammable liquid, it is classified as extremely hazardous substance (EHS) (United States & Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, 2009). A chemical recipe serves as a guide during the manufacturing process. Metalation is the first step where metallic sodium that was previously melted is reacted with methylcyclopentadiene (MCPD). This reaction occurs in the presence of diglyme (diethylene glycol dimethyl ether). Heat is applied before the reaction can occur, and this may be necessary to enable overcome the activation energy required for initiation of the reaction. Besides, the heating converted sodium to its molten form increasing the surface area and reduced the MCPD dimer into two molecules. These two changes are necessary for the reaction to occur. Two products are obtained from this reaction; hydrogen gas and sodium methylcyclopentadiene. The hydrogen gas produced is released into the atmosphere. Substitution is the second step during which dry powder of manganese chloride was added and reacted with sodium methylcyclopentadiene forming sodium chloride and manganese dimethylcyclopentadiene. The final step involves the addition of carbon monoxide, a process called carbonylation. It leads to loss of one methylcyclopentadiene, and its place is replaced by three CO molecules forming the famous methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl. Through the distillation of the mixed final product, you obtain clean methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl. During metalation energy was being lost in the form of heat, cooling was necessary for the reaction to proceed regularly. The rate of reaction also increases with the rise in temperature. It is evident that a 100C increase in temperature causes a two-fold increase in the rate of